Are We Listening or Hearing? It Matters!
Do you know Dr Judd? I used to. Actually her name is Dr. Jubb - J-U-B-B! But she's ok if you call her Dr. Judd - after I realized my error - a staff member told me that it's been happening for years. I even wrote a story about Dr. Jubb in a Facebook ad - about how she likes our DTEK surgical staplers - and I referred to her as Dr. Judd - and shortly after I realized my error.
Listening is important - especially since I have spent most of my veterinary product sales career on the phone -listening. So, how did I mess up Dr. Jubbs name? That's simple - Judd is more common than Jubb - and we tend to go with the most familiar - and assume a lot. OK, great, so I'm like most people. I was probably also a little self conscious about clarifying the proper spelling - most of us are.
You may notice that I haven't used another word closely associated with listening - hearing. Actually, I think that hearing is the problem. My problem - and a problem universally. Those of us who are fortunate to have a functioning auditory system are busy hearing all day. I heard her name, or I thought I did - and that was sufficient for me. We hear things all day - but are we really listening?

The more I think about it - listening is so deep. I mean it takes a lot to listen to another person. Especially when you differ. If we listened more - would there be more peace? My wife, a Pre-K teacher of 25 years says that when a child acts out - it's a lot about them not being able to verbalize their emotions - and it's up to the teacher to really listen and not simply react - ie. punish.
That's what's going on in my head. I'd love to hear your thoughts - I'm thrilled to read them if you want to share with other readers - all call me - I'll listen!
All the Best,
I hear ya... i mean- that was great!
ReplyDeleteThanks. I found a typo, gotta fix it tomorrow. Appreciate you reading my blog.