Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Why We Never Run Memorial Day Specials. Well Worth Reading!

Dear Friends,
As we approach Memorial Day, I ask you to read this email and share your thoughts with me.
All the Best - Simon  (

Memorial Day - Let's Think About It

Well, the onslaught of glaring Memorial Day deals, sales and festivities has begun to assault my senses and my sensibility. I would like to share some Memorial Day facts and feelings with you. 
I found the following on a web page called  8 THINGS YOU MAY NOT KNOW ABOUT MEMORIAL DAY.
"Despite the increasing celebration of the holiday as a summer rite of passage, there are some formal rituals still on the books: The American flag should be hung at half-staff until noon on Memorial Day, then raised to the top of the staff. And since 2000, when the U.S. Congress passed legislation, all Americans are encouraged to pause for a National Moment of Remembrance at 3 p.m. local time."
Wouldn't it be great if emergency sirens were sounded across the country at the SAME time and everyone came to a stop for a moment of silence and reflection? There is a country that connects their Memorial Day and Independence Day together. Their Memorial Day is a somber day - and when the sirens go off - everything stops. Cars on the roads stop, everyone comes out and stands in place for 60 seconds. That's powerful. Then at night and the next day they have a joyous Independence Day celebration. 
I am simply too thankful and too in awe of those who fought for my freedom and paid the ultimate price -  I would never belittle the day or their memory with sales and specials. I feel strongly about this - and I wanted to share my thoughts.
Thank you for allowing me to voice my opinion. May we soon see the end of wars and conflicts. May we live in peace and respect for one another. And may we never forget the souls of those who lost their lives so we may continue to live free in this amazing country!
All the Best,
Simon & The Gang
What do you think? Please share your thoughts with me. You can click this link and send me an email or give me a call. Thank you!

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